Private Client Services
Taxable and Tax advantaged risk profiled investment portfolios using a continually updated asset allocation strategy. Long term secular outlook, low turnover and high income generation.
Modern Risk Management Strategies
Lowered Risk equity and fixed income portfolios, Concentrated equity collars, Commodity Equity Strategies.
Trust and Estate, Tax Planning, and Alternative Investment expertise
Atlantis advisors have access to the most respected financial planning experts in the industry to provide our clients with a total wealth management solution.
Never a conflict of interest
Atlantis is free of bias regarding the selection of research, investment products and strategies, and thus chooses independently from the entire universe of product. This gives us the flexibility to create a plan that will perfectly reflect a client’s unique needs and objectives.
Our success is solely dependent on yours
We take our role as a fiduciary very seriously. We have modeled our firm to be able to provide, to all of our clients big and small, “family office style” services. We are committed to providing expert advice on every aspect of your financial life. As a strictly fee-based advisor your success and ours are perfectly aligned
Active client-advisor communication.
All clients may receive periodic written research reports, quarterly statements, and other timely updates. We believe clients who understand the rationale behind their investment plan will feel more comfortable with a long term strategy aimed at meeting their objectives.